Cinderella Nails

I saw the new Cinderella movie a couple of weeks ago when it came out in theatres, and I fell in love with it. The romance, the costumes, the magic… Although it’s a depart from my usual writing, I feel like I could put up a review of it, so enamoured was I with the film.

Ever since watching it, a color that I call “Cinderella blue” keeps popping up in my life. I finally found a beautiful dusky shade of blue that is almost perfect, and so I decided to use it for a Cinderella-inspired manicure.

I started with a basecoat. I’m currently using my new Essie Grow Stronger Base Coat. Then, I applied one coat of Revlon Dreamer. This was my first time using it and I wasn’t very careful, so the results were a little bubbly and not quite opaque. However, this didn’t matter because these mistakes were all covered up with the next step.


I finished with one coat of Revlon Diamond Texture. I tried to make this coat as thin as possible so that the blue base would show through, but this was hard to achieve because the glitter is so dense. Ideally, I would have used a sparser glitter; however, I also loved the edge that this textured polish lent my manicure!


I am just so in love with this manicure. In certain lights especially you can see the blue shining through.


My nails actually make me feel like Cinderella! Her dress in the movie is so stunning, and I feel like I managed to capture a little bit of that magic into my own daily life.

Link your own movie- or Disney-inspired manicure in the comments, or share an idea for a manicure with me!

May Birchbox Sample Choice Comparison

For those of you not familiar with sample choice, it’s a program that began last August where Birchbox subscribers have the option to select a sample to be included in next month’s box. Each month 3-4 samples are revealed and the sample you pick will replace one of your traditional 5 samples. This month, Birchbox subscribers have the chance to choose from 4 samples, or select a box curated by a guest editor. This is a comparison of those options based on research I’ve done using other blogs and my own calculations. This month I’ve taken all of my images as screenshots from the official Birchbox video.

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