
Hi! My name is Abigail, and I’m a college student entering my final year of school. I enjoy reading and making lists, have spent a large portion of my life traveling, and love all things beautiful.

To any of my friends, the concept of me starting a beauty blog would be almost laughable. I’ve always been the girl who hardly ever touches makeup and is capable of getting ready in the morning in under 5 minutes. I spent almost all of high school makeup-free, and when I did use makeup I hardly knew what to do with it. In college, I try to wash my face and use body lotion every day, but it’s hard to remember at 3am or when you’re already running late to class.

So why would I want to write about this topic?

It’s probably a byproduct of having more free time on my hands than usual, but in the last few months I have gotten a lot more interested in makeup and skincare. I finally learned what a hair mask is for, what BB cream is, and that eyeliner doesn’t have to be hard to apply. And so, here begins my odyssey to figure out a skin care routine that works for me, experiment more with makeup, and take better care of my body.

You can contact me at justaprimer@gmail.com

One thought on “About

  1. Hey Just a Primer! Congrats on your nomination for the Liebster award! Hope you have a great time answering the questions! Happy Blogging!

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